Video Game Theater

Virtual Collision is an interactive video game theater piece. It aims to expand the boundary of video game and theater and combine them into an interesting form. The performative medium is a video game, the player, audiences, performers all a part of the performance, performing inside the video game.

The video game have three levels:

Lv1. In the name of Dark Matter

Lv2. Stories of the lab

Lv3. Dance! Particle

Compared to other video games, the three levels in Virtual Collision are more like the three act structure narrative model of a theatrical performance; the audience does not have to win to move on to the next level, but rather needs to listen to and discover the message behind the story while interacting with the game.


Virtual Collision is based on an artistic residency in Canfranc, a valley in north-eastern Spain. The artistic residency is organized by the Munich SVS Collective, and in cooperation with the Canfranc Underground Laboratory - LSC (Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc).

© turismodearagon

The experimental halls of the Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc (LSC) have been excavated in the rock 800 m deep under the Mount Tobazo in the Spanish side of the Aragon Pyrenees. The rock filters the cosmic radiation providing the “cosmic silence”, which is necessary to study rarely occurring natural phenomena such as the interactions with an atomic nucleus of neutrinos of cosmic origin or of particles of the invisible “dark matter”. Dark matter provides 85% of the mass of the Universe, but we do not know what it is made of.”


The residency gives a chance for artists to interact with scientists, and work within the topic of finding dark matter. Virtual Collision took the inspiration of dark matter, quantum physics, and the residency experience as input, transforming them into a part of the video game as output.


The performance requires three performers, two of which will perform on the stage as part of the game and the third will join the audience to let them know how to interact with the game. The game will be controlled by the controller, which will be passed between audience members.

The performance will adjust its format depends on the location. This game can be perform in stereo sound system, multi channel sound system, 4D sound system; or as a computer game play on the laptop with headphone.

Performance Team

Mandy Mozart

Nico Daleman