Stories of the lab

Lv2 is a documentary played in the virtual environment. Lv2 discusses the hierarchy between art and science, and presents multiple aspects of the Canfranc artistic residency. I did several interviews with the artists in the residency, with each artist presenting a topic based on my questions. I sent an email to interview the leader of LSC Carlos Peña Garay as well, but unfortunately, never received his answer. Similar to how it was in the residency, the voice of scientists is missing yet again. 


The design of the 3D lab is copied from the original ratio of the LSC, some of the main structures and facilities in the laboratory are implanted. Players can explore the soundscape of the lab and talk with the virtual characters of the residency artists. The virtual soundscape builds on the field recordings made in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory, and tries to restore the sound elements of the lab in the game.

Gameplay Video